10 Educational Benefits Of Video Games That Will Surprise You

10 Educational Benefits of Video Games That Will Surprise You

10 Educational Benefits Of Video Games

Here are ten reasons why you might want to start spending more time playing video games with your kids, after all!

1) Computer skills

Computer skills are learned through video games and range from typing to programming. Typing, for example, is a skill that every professional should be familiar with in the 21st century. In order to play a game without using a controller you need to know how to type, and most games require players to type in their name in order to get started. Likewise, programming is also a skill that many people have learned through playing video games. One example is Minecraft, which teaches players how to code by giving them an easy-to-use interface with which they can write their own programs for the game's virtual world.

2) Reading and writing

Video games can improve focus and attention span, teach spatial reasoning and problem solving skills, and build confidence. When you play a video game, your brain is active and engaged in a way that's similar to reading or writing. The benefits of online gaming include improved reading comprehension, vocabulary development, spelling, grammar, writing composition skills, creativity and critical thinking.

A few more benefits of video games are: 

-Improves math abilities 

-Increases self-esteem and boosts self-confidence 

-Promotes social interaction with others in the community

3) Aptitude towards technology

Online gaming has benefits that are overlooked and unseen. These benefits range from being competitive to having a social life. The benefits of online gaming are often overlooked because people don't realize the amount of skills you can learn from playing these games. For example, many people play games like World Of Warcraft to battle monsters and gain experience points (used in game). This could be considered an aptitude towards technology because it requires understanding how the game is played and how battles work, which would require knowledge on the controls as well as strategy. Additionally, video games can help with being competitive when they have rankings or trophies to win. There is also a benefit to using online gaming for making friends by joining guilds or clans and communicating through chat channels.

4) Teamwork and communication

A lot of people don't know the benefits of online gaming, but these games can offer a number of educational benefits that are great for all ages. First, online gaming is a great way to build teamwork and communication skills. For instance, many online games require players to work together to solve puzzles or defeat enemies. Second, online gaming is also an excellent way for children with autism or ADHD to improve their social skills by interacting with others who play the same game. These games can teach kids how to interact socially in a safe environment while providing them with the opportunity make friends who share common interests and goals.

5) Problem-solving skills

To think and solve a problem, you need to understand the problem, know what information you are given and what can be changed, and then find the best answer. This process is often used in math problems or word problems. Video games help children develop these skills by giving them puzzles to solve, obstacles to overcome, or goals to accomplish. Not only do they learn how to do these things on their own, but they also get different solutions from other players that show them new ways to think about the same situation. So while some people might see video games as mindless entertainment for kids who don't want to work hard in school, when parents let their children play video games for educational purposes like this, it can really pay off with higher grades and more confidence in school.

6) Social skills

1) Research suggests that video games can improve a child's social skills. This is because they are forced to interact with other people online, even if it is just as an avatar. 2) Playing a game with another person or on the same team can help children learn how to cooperate and work towards a common goal. 3) Many multiplayer games require teamwork in order to complete objectives or beat the boss level, which encourages children to learn how to compromise and resolve conflicts without resorting to violence. 4) Being involved in the gaming community can give kids more exposure to different cultures, and help them develop empathy for people from all backgrounds.

7) Creativity

One study found that kids who played video games scored better on creativity tests. It's not just the act of playing video games that helps kids develop their creativity, but also the types of games they play. The best video games for improving a child's creativity are those that encourage thinking in new ways, such as Minecraft. In Minecraft, players build anything their imagination desires and can explore many different worlds. Furthermore, some research shows that video games can be good for education because they often require players to figure out what needs to be done and then pursue it in an intellectual way.

8) Natural learning curve

Video games have a natural learning curve that is used in game design. Players will start out being really terrible at the game, and then they will slowly get better over time. This is because video games are designed to challenge players and make them feel like they are progressing in the game. This type of learning can be applied to many aspects of life, such as playing an instrument or any other difficult task where a person can start out not knowing anything about it, but gradually learn how to do it well.

9) Enhanced concentration

Playing video games can actually improve your concentration. When you play a video game, you are actively engaged in the task at hand, which helps keep your mind from wandering. This skill can be used during other activities to increase productivity and stay on task.

This would be perfect for kids who need help paying attention in school, as well as youngs who want to maintain their focus at work.

10) Memory recall

Memory recall is a process that involves mentally accessing and re-experiencing past events. Although video games may not seem to have much to do with this, there are actually many ways that video games can boost your memory. For instance, research has shown that playing certain types of games can improve your spatial memory, or the ability to remember where objects were in a space. Playing these types of games also increases your working memory capacity, which is an individual's capacity for temporarily storing and manipulating information without retaining it in long-term storage. Playing video games in general has also been found to increase IQ scores among children. The effects on younger people may be more pronounced than those on youngs because their brains are still developing.

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