10 Good Facts About Video Games You Might Not Know

10 Good Facts About Video Games You Might Not Know

10 Good Facts About Video Games You Might Not Know

Video games are one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world, reaching millions upon millions of people every single day. Some think that all video games are bad, but there are actually some interesting facts about them that you might not have heard before if you’re not a hardcore gamer. Here are ten of the top good facts about video games, both old and new!

1) Traditional mediums have their own unique benefits

There are many benefits to video games, not just one! Here are 10 facts about video games that you might not have known: 

-Video games help people socialize and strengthen relationships with other players 

-People who play video games may get better at solving problems faster than those who do not 

-Playing video games can be beneficial for mental health by providing a time to recharge and decrease depression or anxiety. 

-Some research has indicated that people who play action-oriented role playing games in particular show enhanced focus and dexterity because of this activity. In addition, gamers spend far more hours on an activity in pursuit of mastery than nonplayers, which may positively contribute to learning ability. -Gamers also experience less stress and fatigue when completing tasks. A study found that video game players were able to maintain their concentration despite tedious work, while nonplayers had difficulty with the same task. 

-In addition, some studies indicate that gaming could improve working memory in children as well as reduce symptoms of ADHD. One study showed increased cognitive flexibility among young following game play while another found a reduction in impulsivity among teens after gaming sessions.

2) There are really fun educational games

And then there are games that, while they're not necessarily education-based, are actually pretty educational. We bet you didn't know that Pokemon GO has helped users find historical sites and study things like art. Or the fact that a Georgia Tech computer game led to developments in regenerative medicine. The point is, video games are much more than meets the eye. To help you learn more about how these fantastic digital experiences can teach as well as entertain, we put together this list of some interesting facts about video games. Keep reading to see what we learned! 1) A recent Stanford University study found kids who played an hour or two of action video games daily (think Call of Duty or World of Warcraft) had better spatial reasoning skills compared with those who don’t play at all. Why? These types of games require players to mentally rotate 3D shapes and solve complex puzzles, which trains their brains for STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math). 

2) There's been talk that playing Tetris could help prevent PTSD flashbacks among war veterans who experience traumatic events such as violence or abuse. The idea is if veterans replay the memory again and again it will eventually create a new association between the event happening in their minds vs. the Tetris shapes falling into place on screen.

3)Video game story lines are incredible

Video games let you go on incredible adventures in digital worlds that are designed to be much bigger and crazier than the real world. With all of these amazing places to explore, what's your favorite video game world? Mine might just be Hyrule from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Hyrule has a lush green landscape surrounded by an imposing cliff wall. And Hyrule Castle stands tall over the rest of the land as if it's watchful eye is protecting it from any enemy invasion.

#2 Exploring New Worlds 

Hyrule is just one of many big and exciting video game worlds for me. It's so fun to explore new worlds, even when they're made up! In video games I can visit fantastic places like Minas Tirith from Lord of the Rings: War in the North, where snow-covered mountains stand proud next to tranquil lakes and flowing rivers. Another cool world I've explored is Starkiller Base from Star Wars Battlefront II. Starkiller Base was a mobile ice planet converted into a massive superweapon capable of destroying entire solar systems with its twin sun-skimming laser towers! But my favorite place in this vast virtual galaxy may just be Twilight Town from Kingdom Hearts II.

4)Video game makers care about their players

Video game makers care about their players and it is always good to get a reminder that they care so much. Whether through video games, features in other games, or interviews. One company that has stepped up and reminded gamers they were important is CD Projekt Red when they included an update to a character's birthday in The Witcher 3 as a way of celebrating the 20th anniversary of the series' release date. 

CD Projekt Red didn't stop there. They also recently launched new merch for The Witcher 3 with profits going towards prostate cancer research in honor of the actor who played Geralt - Doug Cockle. That being said, gaming companies don't just do things for others without expecting something back. That being said, developers are usually working on what people want and not just making something because they feel like it. Let's take Bethesda as an example since most of us know them from their Elder Scrolls series which was one of the most anticipated games of 2018 with fans having been waiting 5 years between releases to play more Skyrim-style RPG goodness. Bethesda wanted to make sure that fans knew exactly how excited they were by releasing a launch trailer featuring all kinds of goodies like horse armor before Skyrim originally released.

As far as I'm concerned, you can never have too much horse armor!

5)The majority of gamers are parents themselves

Parents who play video games are in the majority! In fact, 86% of American parents of children under 18 years old report playing a game with their child in the past month. Gamers are just like every other parent: they want what is best for their children and love being able to spend quality time with them! This statistic may not be surprising considering more than three-quarters of gamers also have kids that live at home. The gaming industry is growing rapidly and becoming mainstream: The gaming industry will be worth $100 billion dollars by 2020. Gaming has become so mainstream, it's now on TV: there are now several shows airing on networks such as TBS, Comedy Central and Bravo that focus on gamers or game-related topics. The stigma against gaming seems to be dissipating: even schools see the benefits now - many offer educational programs that use video games as teaching tools, helping students engage with content in an exciting new way! Gaming can help increase brain power in areas including math and science; it can also improve literacy skills because most people read when they play.

6)Some older people play video games too

Some people don't realize that kids aren't the only ones who play video games. In fact, around 70% of people over 18 play video games as well! Don't assume someone is too old to be interested in playing because they are hanging out with their grandkids or need something to do in retirement. The truth is, many seniors are more into gaming than you might think! A lot of this has to do with nostalgia - older gamers often have a better time remembering the controls and gameplay for classics like Pac-Man, Space Invaders and Tetris, even if it's been decades since they played them. Additionally, there are plenty of new releases on consoles like Xbox One and PlayStation 4 that have captivated people from all generations alike! One good example is Red Dead Redemption 2 - which recently took home Best Game at this year's E3 awards show. It was met with raving reviews from critics and fans alike - it even had one reviewer calling it a masterpiece. For anyone who still thinks video games are just for kids, these 10 good facts should make you think again!

7)Games can be relaxing and meditative too

Games can have a more relaxing and meditative quality to them, whether it's letting players take on a job they don't need to pressure themselves with in the real world, or just sitting and listening to waves crashing at their feet. The popular indie game Inside explores this type of theme. But any game that captures your interest can be therapeutic in its own way. And there are even a few therapy-focused video games that tackle different mental health issues, such as PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). In Fear extinction training for posttraumatic stress disorder: A randomized controlled trial, researchers found that people who played Tetris reported less intrusive memories afterward than those who didn't play the game. If you're interested in learning about how these types of therapy work, Mental Floss has a whole list of informative articles about it.

8)A lot of video game designers are young artists/entrepreneurs.

It's crazy to think that it's never been easier than it is today to start a company, but I'd say the same about being an artist. In addition to the fact that game designers are a dying breed and games are more mainstream now than ever, in college and graduate schools everywhere people are gravitating towards digital design as if it were their destiny. This means more jobs and thus more careers for young artists and entrepreneurs in our industry, which is fantastic. 

Now I know what you're thinking: video games are just another cheap way for kids to waste time online or at home with friends on the couch. These accusations may be true of some gamers, but they can't be applied to all gamers across the board. There are plenty of reasons why someone might want to play a video game rather than watch TV or go outside like:

In order to escape from reality; To feel connected; To make new friends; And even (shhh)to improve dexterity!

9)Video Game Apps Are Also Trending

While video games are still a trend today, with the release of new game apps there is no sign that they are going away anytime soon. Gamers all over the world are always on the hunt for games to play and nothing satisfies that craving quite like a top rated game app. New, exciting, addictive and fun games to play on your phone or tablet are becoming more and more common with each year that passes. In fact, it's estimated that at least half of all mobile gamers prefer using a dedicated gaming device over their computer or TV which might be why iPhone gaming apps have experienced such success lately. With so many great options out there, the list below will give you some insight into what you can look forward to in 2019.

10)You can play on your phone now!

One of the best parts about playing games on your phone is that you're no longer limited to playing in front of a TV. Now, with a few taps or swipe, you can easily play and access any game at any time without carrying around an expensive console and taking up space in your room. Gaming has become something that crosses generational lines, so now anyone from grandmas to little kids can enjoy the action while having their own personalized way to play! Mobile games are also completely free-to-play, meaning they don't have any micro-transactions and cost next to nothing. If you haven't tried out any video games recently because you feel like mobile gaming lacks depth or variety then it's definitely time for a change. There are tons of different genres and gameplay styles available, so there's a perfect one for everyone to enjoy. Wanting something with strategy? Try out Clash Royale or Pokemon Go. Want some great role-playing action? Take a look at Grand Theft Auto V. Feel like blowing stuff up? Battlefield 4 has you covered. With all these different options available, we guarantee you'll find something new that will make all those hours spent looking seem totally worth it!

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10 Good Facts About Video Games You Might Not Know

facts about video games facts about gamers gaming industry facts facts about game designers

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